Claudia Clare

I’m a feminist artist who makes painterly pots, both large and small, in full colour and monchrome. I trained as a painter but transferred to pots because I found the turning surface sympathetic to an unfolding visual narrative. Pots are our museum pieces, our archaeological and documentary evidence. Their human, cultural and historic associations connect well to the work I do interpreting women’s histories and contemporary lives. Pots also break and can be rebuilt. It is a compelling metaphor for the human experience of trauma and survival and one I deploy particularly in my feminist work.

Materials: I use exclusively ceramic materials: a dark brown clay mix, coloured slips, sgraffito line, and clear glaze, sometimes with added enamel colour and lustre. The shattered pots are rebuilt using conservation grade adhesive and Gold, Platinum, or Aluminium leaf is used to gild the edges of shards to frame the internal images or emphasise a broken line.





Jess de Wahls